Thursday, September 17, 2009

Again this heart is hiding...

Dreams are taking me to far off slumber where I am lost in answers.
Answers that may need to stay deep down.
Deep down in my heart where it can write its own story.
A story where everything that is written is understood.
Understood with words that are spoken gracefully and with a determination.
Determination to settle in for the long travels that are ahead, both from the past and in the future.
In the future a book will be written here in my heart hiding there so that it can not be judged.
Judged by those who refuse to see deeper than what they understand.

Again this heart is hiding it has come to a place that is raw and still runs full steam ahead.
Ahead of challenges, ahead of hurting memories, ahead of numbers and time frames that I try to avoid.
Trying to avoid it never works, if there is something and someone that needs to be encountered it will happen.

In the least likely way, as if appearing in my sight from negative to positive.
Positive because that is what all solutions are made of and its the main ingredients that are needed.
Needed in a heartfelt way that even in my feeble attempts to portray those thoughts in words its becoming a downward spiral.

Please see my heart, and know that my words are not possibly able to describe where I am at right now.
Hear my prayers as they are whispered but felt deep in the core of this being.
Join my thoughts and open the door of understanding.
 There will be someone Jesus sends who has an unquenchable delight in quiet solitude that leads to our lives intertwining with poetry.


Anonymous said...

There will be someone Jesus sends who has an unquenchable delight in quiet solitude that leads to our lives intertwining with poetry.
- I love this! Beautiful....

Grandma K said...

I pray that you will find the freedom to open your heart and in that process know the healing it needs. You are a beautiful child of the King who will continue to love and care for you.