Monday, January 10, 2011

Your Hands

I felt the all too familiar feeling of falling off that cliff
into the Psalms for comfort.
In one moment our life changes dramatically in a way we hoped and prayed it wouldn't. We topple off into thin air.
Either way, we're safe, we're protected. Either way we can trust that we'll land in Your Hands. Knowing, the Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I have become like broken pottery, but I trust in: 'Your Hands' Lord, to restore me.


I listen to our piano when he thinks we are distracted, as he plays we soak in the melody. The harmony, the richness of choruses our children have grown up listening to since they began safe in my body. Cherished there for months waiting, listening, and entering the world listening to their Dad’s voice, playing throughout the delivery room. Fingers that are surely feeling the music, while passing it on to another generation.


~While the moments continue on in multitudes.

12*  Watching & listening to all of our children practice music together.

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13*  Stay here with Me.

14*  Take my life make it clay, shape my life in intricate ways.
15*  Driving quietly, with assurance both ways, for 26 hours.

16*  Staring at the grandeur of the Rocky mountains out the window.

17*  Sinking my nose into fresh ground coffee beans while breathing deeply!

18*  Remembering a coffee shop we built, co-owned and operated when our oldest was 8 months old.

19*  Granville's coffee shop. German chocolate mochas.

20*  Tea house gatherings.

21*  A family of friends who embrace us as we are.

22*  Watching the tip of ice fields out our windows.

23*  Miracles

24*  Doukhobor borscht

25*  Bare feet all year.


  1. Alicia, what incredible trust you show. I think that the promises of the Lord are so full of hope. Is everyone in your family doing alright?

    I love this verse, from Pslam 16 I think.:)

    "Lord, my portion and cup,
    You have made my destiny secure."

    As always your list is a comfort to read...German chocolate mochas? That sounds mouth watering.:)

    I hope you are alright!
    Have a beautiful day!

  2. I didn't know you owned a coffee shop! You should reopen the old "Cranberries" here in town:)

    LOL bare feet in this winter? :) I guess I"m just a sock girl;)

  3. A beautiful verse Colleen! & yes we are becoming alright, with many answered prayers.
    @ Irish It would be fabulous to have a coffee shop to meet at in this town. I do have some fuzzy wool to knit socks with, oh the irony :)
    If you have time please follow the link at the bottom, this multitudes on Mondays is enriching.
