Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little birds

I woke up this morning, with a song flittering through my mind such as two little birds that fly in circles around each other. Remembrance day service at the school today, or gather our little resources and find all the mismatched boots, mitts, scarves and toques for this ever increasing chilly weather and growing children??
Both of these tasks were more important than ever as we tried our best to pack healthy lunches with the little our fridge, cupboards and shelves offered. Oh goodness this is a ache that stays burning bright with hope. I pray for multiplying blessings for each and everyone that feels this incredible sense of insurmountable worry.
Determined to be still and breath, knowing that this is the peace that will carry me through the day. I sat down to write and the words flowed from my fingers bringing light to how I have been feeling. How long it has been sunk down so deep in, the core of my heart, that the cracks were letting it out full force.
Simplify my thoughts, bringing closer a reality that this too shall pass. Time does not stand still in the angst it keeps carving away into the present moment as those moments pass by sometimes with an ever increasing pace.
I was genuinely relieved  that there were no chores to be completed. The younger children were playing in soft tones over a play set they enjoyed. Just as the 2 older boys were heading out the door to school and would be stepping on stage now within the hour. I had little to offer them in the way of patience to find matched winter accessories.. Then I read this email that I received from a dear friend. A blessing, to calm, add warm fuzziness, to brighten a day. and share with you.

~Alicia, I'm sure you are feeling the blessings that come from being obedient and honest & real in your exposure into the depths of your personhood. You are a "stone" that has taken a lot of rough abrasions( a serious understatement) and is becoming a refined jewel, so very precious and delicate and beautiful!  It blessed my heart to see how much you've grown since the beginning of our relationship. 
God will continue to heal your wounds, You are clearly a testimony of God faithfully and gentlely shaping a person into His likeness with Mercy and Grace and Love. I pray that you feel the Lord's presence in a rich way, and feel at peace.~

Its a deep well in my heart issue over a wealth crutch. That is a simplified comparison. I feel challenged by the established rules about where to live, how to get through low points and continue through the rough patches without grasping so hard to the definition of “success.” I realize that this is what simple living is all about. Those who have chosen to break out of the mould per se must be different, not buying into society’s standards and continue to share overall goodness. Be it in life giving words, actions or wares with those in need. By doing what we love rather than doing what’s going to get us the biggest actions, attentions, or paycheques each month. Within the end of this statement I can only hope that I hang onto the words that bring peace.
Because I will continue to believe that “Everything will be alright”


  1. Your email friend is so right, a Jewel....

    Another serious hug to you. I still have no words but I love you.

  2. Matt. 11:28-30 in the Message.....

  3. Sounds like we both had a similar mindset today! Want to come over and encourage each other tomorrow? I know the kids have it off so u might already have plans- but if u don't bring them to watch a movie around noon? If you like tuna...
    Email me:)

  4. All of your blessings, hugs, encouragement and wishes of peace mean so much to me. Thank you all sincerely.
    I will add the verses shared from the Message:
     28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

  5. What a precious and encouraging email from your friend.
    If it helps at all, I also feel challenged by many of the issues you wrote about in your last paragraph as well. It's such a struggle the spiritual and material, who we truly are and who we are seen as, how to live a simple, genuine life in a world that is not...
    God bless you today. Hope your weekend is a peaceful and happy one.

  6. By the way, those verses are so beautiful and uplifting!!
