Sunday, October 25, 2009

 (Originally not posted on January 28, 2009)

I Dream Memories

Sunday night after a full day of memories and tears and hugs I tried to lay down and rest.

There was a prayer that I silently had on my heart all day and that is Lord may we go in peace with the strength that only You can bless us with. Jesus be our love....

When I lay down I could not close my eyes my friends face was there over and over again, and I began to remember. I remembered the first day we met the youth when Drew was asking us to help him lead, and a friendly face was all I needed to see that day, but one I remember the most.

I remember sometimes wanting to share my testimony so much but fearing the words would not come out right, and a friendly voice encouraging me to keep going and share what I can. I remember someone I had never met dying in an unfortunate car accident, right near their home and fearing my tears were not from me I continued to their home. Tears and no words all I could muster was I am sorry, and all I needed to see was my friend walking away and letting me cry.

I remember arriving at your home with our very first baby, and your first baby was there waiting to greet us and that moment is so precious.
Keep friends as family and they will share their families warmth, laughter and kindness on these well worn walking tracks with you, as a guide or a companion.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to share your heart and I love that! Thank you.....
